Tuscaloosa Area Guide

Discover the Excitement on Game Day or Any Other Time of Year

Tuscaloosa offers a wide variety of attractions for your family. Take a stroll through the history of Alabama football at the Paul Bear Bryant Museum or tailgate on The Quad during a home football game in the fall. If football is not your thing, be sure to check the Tuscaloosa River Market or the Kentuck Art Center and Museum.

Click Here to visit the City of Tuscalooa's "Things to Do" Website

Arts and History



  • Tuscaloosa River Market: Pick up some fresh produce and see some local craft vendors.
  • University MallShop through a wide variety of retail locations for gifts, fashion, food, and more! 
  • Midtown Village: With over 60 businesses including restaurants, shops, and spas, there is something for everybody at Midtown Village! 


South Tuscaloosa Restaurants (Less Crowded)


Downtown & Central Tuscaloosa Restaurants

Football and UA


  • Tuscaloosa Tourism and Sports CommissionVisit this site to find out more about Tuscaloosa, request a visitor's guide, and learn about upcoming local events!
  • Tuscaloosa EventsDetails on local events in the Tuscaloosa-Northport area. 
  • Joyride - Take a tour or get picked up in a golf cart shuttle to get around Campus and Downtown!